Namring Estate Darjeeling Tea - Black Tea - High Caffeine - Naturally Sweet
Namring Estate Darjeeling Tea - Black Tea - High Caffeine - Naturally Sweet

Namring Estate Darjeeling Tea - Black Tea - High Caffeine - Naturally Sweet

Namring Estate Darjeeling Tea - Black Tea - High Caffeine - Naturally Sweet

Regular price $18.95
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Darjeeling tea is a tea from the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India, and it is produced in black, green, white and oolong tea varieties. Our Namring Estate Darjeeling is a black variant that will brew a bold cup of tea. When brewing this Darjeeling tea, loo for a slight spiciness, sometimes described as muscatel. Darjeeling teas are unique in India as they are produced from a Chinese tea plant that yields a smaller leaf when compared to the well know Assam teas of India. Namring Estate Darjeeling will work well on its own but don't hesitate to drink it in the English fashion with some milk and cookies.

Ingredients: Darjeeling black tea

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